Sep 29, 2006

Using the DiSC Profile for Hiring

An article by Management-Issues says that assessments are a vital part of the hiring process:

The development of talent pools, active communication with prospects and personality assessments were also vital in this tough, competitive market.

Employers who did not follow this advice would pay a high price, the compant warned, with the cost of turnover at 1.5 times that of salary and some companies reporting a six-fold expenditure above salary when hidden costs such as "chain reaction" turnover and lost productivity are factored in."

Full article:

The DiSC Profile is commonly used by our clients for hiring purposes. The online DiSC assessment has made this even easier because HR professionals can send the DiSC assessment to a candidate's email address. The candidate typically fills out the DiSC profile before or after the interview. Then, the HR professional can view the candidate's behavioral style and make comparisons to the position.

Recommended DiSC Tools to Use:

  • DiSC General Characteristics: is an in-depth personal behavior assessment. By administering the General Characteristics Report to potential employees, you will obtain a broad range of the individual’s behavioral characteristics, including behavioral strengths and weaknesses, motivating and demotivating factors, and management and selling styles.
  • DiSC Role Behavior Analysis: allows you to profile the job or role, and tells you how the role needs to be performed regardless of who is performing the role. Depending on your priorities, you can profile a part of a job, such as coach, as part of a broader role of manager, or complete the assessment for the role of manager.
  • DiSC Comparison Reports: Assesses how well the participant’s behaviors match the requirements of the role.

For more information on how to use these 3 assessments, visit our website at:

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Sep 27, 2006

Featured DiSC Training Exercise with QuikDiSC Cards

Appreciating Strengths Exercise: Refer to Insight Module 5-2 in the Everything DiSC Facilitation System

When to use this exercise: At the end of a DiSC Training Session or in a follow-up session.

Purpose of the Exercise: To provide DiSC-based feedback between workshop participants. This exercise gives the learners an opportunity to learn what DiSC behaviors they have displayed during the training. This exercise is particularly valuable because it enables participants to learn whether others perceive their DiSC style to be similar to one’s own self-perception.

  1. Place one deck of QuikDiSC cards in the center of each table group (face up).
  2. Ask each participant to select one card for each participant at the table. The card selected for each participant describes the behavior exhibited by that participant during the training session. (For example, “expressive.”)
  3. Each participant at the table explains why the selected card (e.g., “expressive”) represents the person.

More about the QuikDiSC Cards: Visit

Questions for DiSC Trainers:

  • Have you used this exercise in your DiSC Training session?
  • Did you modify any part of the exercise?
  • How would you modify this exercise for a particular group?

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Sep 21, 2006

DiSC for Team Building

Everyone has a unique way of doing things. Each person has different motivators, preferences, and needs. DiSC will help teams understand these differences and help teams work better together.

With the recent introduction of the DiSC Plus Reports for Team Building, the DiSC Group Culture Report, and the Everything DiSC Facilitation System, DiSC is the only system you need to increase your team's motivation, communication skills, and ability to resolve conflict.

The DiSC materials you choose depend on your objective. If your team members want a basic understanding of themselves and how each person works with others, we recommend taking the DiSC Classic 2.0 Online Profile with the DiSC Plus Reports for Team Building. With this, you get the DiSC Classic Report, plus 2 supplemental reports: Relating to People and Environment and Strategies for Creating a Positive Relationship. View a sample. This will give you an undertaking of how you tend to manage time, how you handle stress, how you solve problems, and how others can:
  • communicate with you
  • compliment you
  • provide feedback to you
  • deal with your problem-solving style

After each team member completes the DiSC Online Profile and DiSC Plus Reports for Team Building, you can compile a DiSC Group Culture Report. The DiSC Group Culture Report helps you answer these questions:

  • What is the DiSC style of a group?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of the group culture?
  • How does the group culture affect members with different DiSC styles?
  • How does the group culture influence decision making?
  • How does it affect risk taking?
  • What types of behaviors are valued?
  • What behaviors are not valued?

Some of our clients choose to run several DiSC Group Culture Reports for each group depending on how the group splits up projects.

If you are using DiSC for Team Building applications in your training sessions, the Everything DiSC Facilitation System has some great course outlines. Including Improving Team Effectiveness (Full-Day), Improving Team Motivation (Half-Day), and Team Effectiveness Series (Three Half-Day Sessions). The outlines break your training sessions into an average of 1-hour segments each and show you which assessments to use, which part of the Everything DiSC DVD to use, and even provides a full script of what to say.

What materials or exercises do you use for team building applications?

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Sep 19, 2006

The 3 Families of DiSC

DiSC Classic
The DiSC Classic Profile is the original and most widely known DiSC assessment. It has been used for over 30 years and taken by over 40 million people worldwide. The DiSC Model is related to how you interact with your environment. Do you see the environment as favorable or unfavorable? Do you see yourself as more or less powerful than your environment?

If you are planning to use DiSC profiles for your DiSC training seminar, you will want to choose the DiSC Classic Profile when individuals want to gain an understanding of self and others. Are your clients/employees asking "Why do I behave or respond the way that I do?" or "Why do I feel different from others in my group?" or "What can I do to better understand my co-workers?"

DiSC Classic helps employees at all levels to:
  • better understand behavioral differences between people
  • better understand their own behavior
  • better understand the behavior of others
  • promote appreciation of differences
DiSC Classic is available in 2 formats:
*Management, Sales, and Team Building applications are available with the DiSC online profile.

DiSC PPSS (General Characteristics)
DiSC PPSS is an in-depth DiSC report. It is often used by trainers and consultants as a follow up to the DiSC Classic. DiSC PPSS has 50 categories of applied behavior with key application areas. Many people like its easy-to-read bullet format.

Choose the DiSC PPSS when individuals want to gain a deeper understanding of self in specific applications. Are your clients/employees asking "When I'm working in a sales environment, why do I sometimes feel like I'm not getting through to my customer?" Are the managers asking "Why do I seem to conncet better with some employees than others?" or "How can I modify my behavior to more effectively manage certain employees?" Are coworkers asking "What are some strategies for problem solving with others?"

DiSC PPSS helps employees at all levels to:
  • better understand their own behavior
  • learn how and when to adapt their behavior
  • improve communication and reduce conflict
  • enhance individual and team performance
DiSC PPSS formats:

*Management, Sales, and Team Building applications are available with the DiSC PPSS.

DiSC Indra
DiSC Indra is the newest member of the DiSC family. It offers 3 levels of relationship insight:
360 degrees of expression (self), 360 degrees of relationship (one-on-one), 360 degrees of influence (group).

DiSC Indra will explain why you are more comfortable and more effective working with others. Are your clients/employees asking "How can I improve my relationship with my coworker?" Are members of the team asking "What can we do to work more effectively with each other? Are some employees concerned that the majority of employees in their department are a different style and they wonder how they can fit in?

DiSC Indra helps employees at all levels to:
  • explore relationship dynamics of two or more people, teams, departments, or entire organizations
  • discover strategies for increasing comfort and effectiveness in specific one-on-one relationships
  • improve comfort and effectiveness in team, coaching, and leadership situations
  • resolve conflict
DiSC Indra Formats

Questions? Call Resources Unlimited at 800.278.1292

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Sep 18, 2006

DiSC Training Tips: Opening Exercises Before Participants Complete DiSC

7 ideas for Introductions and Opening Exercises Before Your Participants Complete the DiSC Profile:

  1. Have participants write the name of a friend or coworker. Ask them why the two of them are compatible.
  2. Have participants write the name of a person with whom they have difficulty communicating. Ask: "What types of friction do you experience?" Later on they can pull it out again and apply what they’ve learned.
  3. Use the QuikDiSC Card Game as an ice-breaker.
  4. Using the Whiteboard, have participants use adjectives to describe one person who scribes
  5. Have your group think about the group's mission. What is this person’s contribution to the mission? The group provides these adjectives, not the person they’re describing.
  6. Focus on the value of diversity in teams.
  7. Have participants capture their unique contribution to the group and draw a picture of what they are doing.

What methods do you use in your DiSC training sessions?

Questions? Call us at 800.278.1292 or visit

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What is DiSC?

"What is DiSC?"

DiSC is an acronym for the 4 dimensions of behaviorDiSC is based on a four-quadrant model that describes the four dimensions of human behavior. The dimensions are:

  • Dominance: Direct & Decisive. D's are strong-willed, strong-minded people who like accepting challenges, taking action, and getting immediate results.
  • influence: Optimistic & Outgoing. I's are "people people" who like participating on teams, sharing ideas, and energizing and entertaining others.
  • Steadiness: Sympathetic & Cooperative. S's are helpful people who like working behind the scenes, performing in consistent and predictable ways, and being good listeners.
  • Conscientiousness: Concerned & Correct. C's are sticklers for quality and like planning ahead, employing systematic approaches, and checking and re-checking for accuracy.

It is important to understand that there are a total of 16 different Profile Pattern results, which are combinations of the 4 dimensions.

The DiSC System helps you understand yourself in four behavioral environments:

  • Me vs. Me: Intrapersonal
  • Me vs. You: Interpersonal
  • Me vs. Job: Personal-Functional
  • Me vs. Organization: Personal-Organizational

How to Use DiSC Profiles?

DiSC is an assessment to determine a person's behavior in a specific environment. It is most commonly used in the workplace. Trainers, consultants, coaches, and HR professionals have relied on DiSC to improve large and small organizations for 30 years.

How many ways does behavior affect the person's ability to function through everyday tasks? Here are just a few off the top of my head: stress management, teamwork, communication, expectations of others, listening skills, dealing with conflict, management skills, sales skills, and customer service skills. The DiSC profiles will help you and your organization improve effectiveness in all of these areas.

To learn more about DiSC, join us for our next free A Taste of DiSC session. These teleconferences are scheduled every 6 weeks for new coaches, consultants, and trainers interested in using DiSC. A Master DiSC Trainer with 20+ years experience will walk you through your personalized DiSC report and help you with the interpretation of your results. Learn more >>>.

View our DiSC Profile Products.

Visit us at or call us at 800.278.1292 if you would like more information.

*DiSC is a registered trademark of Inscape Publishing, Inc. You may hear the DiSC Personal Profile from Inscape Publishing referred to as the DiSC Communication Styles Profile, DiSC reports, DiSC profiler, DiSC Profiling System, the DiSC test, DiSC booklet, the "blue booklet", personality profile test, quiz, survey, questionnaire, disc behavioral assessment, or instrument, personality trait analysis, personality type survey, social style survey.

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Sep 13, 2006

Do TV Characters have a DiSC Behavioral Style?

I asked the question around our office today: do TV characters have DiSC behavioral styles? It was a unanimous "yes" throughout our office. I think writers mirror characters after real people. Linda Houts, one of our Master DiSC Trainers also had a good point: she says that "writers create characters from what they unconsciously understand about behavior."

I know Grey's Anatomy is currently a popular show (I watch it occasionally, when I just happen to come across it), so I took a guess at each of the characters' DiSC style. Here is my best guess:

George- S
Meredith- D and/or i
Isobel- S and/or C
Christina- D
Miranda- D
Alex- iD

This could easily be used in your next DiSC Training session. Simply record a clip from your favorite TV show and have your participants guess the characters' behavioral style. Use the DiSC People Reading Cards to help your participants determine whether the character perceives their environment as favorable or unfavorable, and if the character sees themself as more powerful as the environment. For more training ideas, please call us at 800.278.1292.

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Sep 11, 2006

Why You Should Choose Inscape Publishing's DiSC Assessment

With the hundreds of behavioral workplace assessments and profiles in the marketplace today, it could take months to research all of them. We've compiled a list to help you.

Top 10 List of Reasons you Should Choose Inscape Publishing's DiSC Assessment over the rest. When you compare Inscape Publishing to the other behavioral assessments out there, you will quickly see the superior quality provided by Inscape.

10: Inscape Publishing was the first company to commercialize instrument-based learning (1976), transforming the role of assessments in the workplace.

9: Inscape Publishing has the largest distributor network of any learning systems company.

8: Inscape Publishing products are integral to the learning and performance strategies of market-leading organizations such as Avon, U.S. Air Force, Guarantee Bank, Environmental Protection Agency, Oki Data, and Cargill.

7: Inscape Publishing is owned by The Riverside Company, the largest private equity firm specializing in middle market niche companies.

6: Inscape Publishing offers assessments in 25 languages

5: Inscape Publishing's DiSC Profile offers the most value for the price of its assessments: DiSC General Characteristics Profile - the most in-depth DiSC profile - is only $41.25 per person or $75 with add-on reports for sales, managers, or team building.

4: Inscape Publishing offers group reports that can be used by DiSC Trainers, or shared with the group for a higher understanding of the group's culture.

The DiSC Facilitator's Report lets you build customized group reports using data from DiSC Classic 1.0, DiSC Classic 2.0, and DiSC PPSS on EPIC. The report includes an illustration of the group's distribution of DiSC styles, the group's Classical Pattern distribution, and detailed information on how each individual's DiSC style may affect the DiSC culture within the group or organization.

The NEW DiSC Group Culture Report helps you answer these questions: • What is the DiSC style of a group?• What are the advantages and disadvantages of the group culture?• How does the group culture affect members with different DiSC styles?• How does the group culture influence decision making?• How does it affect risk taking?• What types of behaviors are valued? What behaviors are not valued?

3: The Electronic Profile Information System (EPIC) Account - a platform released February 2003, is an Internet based, password protected system that allows administrators to send the online DiSC profile to hundreds of employees and training participants in less than 15 minutes. EPIC is great for multi-location businesses because administrators can send online profiles to anyone in the world via email. EPIC stores all of your completed reports, making it easy to generate group reports at any time.

Clients of Resources Unlimited can receive a free EPIC Account ($120 set-up value) when they order 4 or more online assessments. Afterwards, clients only pay for the assessments they use, and will never pay any renewal fees.

2: The Everything DiSC Facilitation System and DVD - released October 2004, is a unique training product used by DiSC beginners, experienced DiSC Trainers, and consultants to deliver DiSC solutions. The Everything DiSC Facilitation System helps trainers and consultants discover new ways to use a broad range of DiSC tools in an unlimited variety of applications, while allowing for creativity.

1: Inscape Publishing provides continued Research and Development: Inscape Publishing is committed to maintaining the highest standards of instrument development and application through careful research and development processes. All of our DiSC® instruments offer valid scores and accurate feedback to the respondent.

Questions? Please feel free to call us at 800.278.1292.

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Sep 6, 2006

DiSC Humor

Getting on a busy elevator…
  • The D walks up, gets on the elevator, and pushes the button that closes the door.
  • The i lets others in, says “Always room for one more,” and “Come in, you’re going to be late; we’ll wait for you!”
  • The S will wait in line, moving from one line to another, unable to make adecision.
  • The C will get on the elevator. If it’s crowded, the C will count the number ofpeople and, if the number is over the limit, will make someone get off.

Shopping for groceries…

  • The D is the impulse shopper. No list.
  • The i tells you where everything is in the store, whether you ask or not.
  • The S is prepared, has a list, and gets it done efficiently.
  • The C wouldn’t think of going shopping without coupons and a calculator.

On the golf course…

  • The D frequently drives through groups of golfers.
  • The i spends more time in the clubhouse talking than on the course.
  • The S plays golf the same day, the same time, the same place, using the same clubs.
  • The C keeps score, plays strictly by the rules, and cleans his or her clubs a lot.

Hanging wallpaper…

  • The D says, “Come over Saturday and help me wallpaper. And bring the paste.” The D then starts in the middle of the living room. The patterns don’t match. The D says, “So what? That’s what drapes and pictures are for.”
  • The i has the wallpaper in the closet with the paste. It’s on the list of things to do. The i never gets around to it.
  • The S has to find a pattern that everyone likes before even beginning to think about hanging it.
  • The C starts in a closet or in the garage to be sure the pattern is going to match. The C then gets it exactly right before starting on the living room.

Learn your DiSC Behavior by taking the DiSC Classic 2.0 Online Profile or call us at 800.278.1292.

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Sep 5, 2006

Inscape Publishing - News Around the Globe

News from AME Info - The ultimate Middle East business resource

Saira Akbar, CEO, Global Management Consultants, has been recently appointed as a member of Inscape Publishing's Global Marketing Group, a new business strategy, started by Inscape Partners International, the leading provider and pioneer of instrument-based learning systems, to provide collaboration and support between representatives of DISC users around the globe.

Inscape Publishing's Global Marketing Group currently consists of international companies such as Blanchard, Ireland and Integro.

Inscape Publishing's Global Marketing Group aims to provide new ways of marketing products and services, focusing on everyday Business issues like employee retention, motivating demanding employees, increasing customer loyalty, individual flexibility and ability to change, ability to function in a self-regulating group and to increase expectation on the individual's ability to solve problems, therefore creating 'best practice' models for management whilst using the Everything DiSC Facilitation System.

Read complete article >>>.

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DiSC Profile Patterns - Occupational Analysis

The DiSC Profile is more and more frequently being used as a pre-hiring tool. We frequently receive questions from clients asking us which DiSC patterns are typical for certain occupations. To answer this, we have provided some information below, provided by Inscape Publishing, creator of the DiSC Profile (2002).

Customer Service:

Perfectionist Pattern (25%)
Secondaries: Specialist (13%) and Counselor (11%)


Top 3 Patterns: Result-Oriented (17%) , Inspirational (15%) , Creative (14%)


Inspirational (17%), Promoter (16%), Result-Oriented (12%)


Perfectionist Pattern (29%)
Secondaries: Specialist (10%), Creative (9%)


Perfectionist Pattern (33%)
Secondaries: Specialist (10%), Counselor (9%)

To get the greatest understanding of how a candidate's DiSC profile compares to your particular job, we highly recommend completing a DiSC Role Behavior Analysis. All jobs are different depending on the clientele, industry, work environment, etc.

For more information, please feel free to call us at 800.278.1292 or visit our website at

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