Jan 14, 2009

Everything DiSC Pulse - New Training Magazine Column

Inscape Publishing's director of research, Mark Scullard, and president and CEO, Jeffrey Sugerman, debuted a new column, "Everything DiSC Pulse," in the "Training Today" section of Training magazine last month.

In each column they will offer "a learner's perspective on training: what's important, what works, and what doesn't work for learners" and will elaborate on their findings.

In their first column, Learners Say: Simple Techniques Improve Training, Scullard and Sugarman discuss their recent study about common training techniques, and how the presence (or absence) of those elements impacts job effectiveness.

Their findings show that when training included "problem-solving exercises, multiple examples, practice, and action planning, participants noted a significantly greater impact on self-perceived job effectiveness. "

Click here to read the full column: http://www.trainingmag.com/everythingdisc

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