Jan 11, 2011

DiSC Graphs 1 & 2

When running Online DiSC Classic 2.0 Profiles and DiSC Classic 2 Plus Profiles in your EPIC Account, you have the ability to turn on or off Graphs 1 and 2, and the tally box scores.

First, a little information about each of the graphs:

Graph 1: These are your "Most" responses for each of the four scales (D, i, S, and C).

Graph 2: These are your "Least" responses for each of the four scales.

Graph 3: This graph is the result of combining your "Most" choices with your "Least" choices and is used to determine your highest DiSC dimension, Intensity Index scores, and Classical Profile Pattern. (Graph 3 is automatically included in the Online DiSC Classic 2.0 and DiSC Classic 2 Plus Reports).

Tally Box Scores: Shows a summary and the differences of your "Most" and "Least" choices for each of the scales.

Jan 10, 2011

New Leadership Book from Inscape Publishing

The 8 Dimensions of Leadership: DiSC Strategies for Becoming a Better Leader, authored by Inscape Publishing's Jeffrey Sugerman, Ph.D., Mark Scullard, Ph.D., and Emma Wilhelm, MA will be released this spring.
Follow @8dimensionsbook on Twitter for updates, book excerpts, and more!