Jan 28, 2015

San Diego Certification registration deadline is approaching!

The Everything DiSC Certification in San Diego on February 10th and 11th is quickly approaching, which means the register deadline is too!

If you want more knowledge about the DiSC tools and how they will help you and your workplace, becoming certified in DiSC will be beneficial. DiSC is helpful in leadership development, coaching, and team building.

By registering for DiSC you will receive an Everything DiSC Facilitation Kit of your liking and an EPIC Account to administer all DiSC assessments, along with the two-day training.

If you are unable to attend this DiSC Certification, take a look at our other events taking place in 2015!

Jan 21, 2015

New Report!

Wiley has come out with a NEW report. This comparison report is for those of you who would like to or already have taken the Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team profile. You are now able to run unlimited reports between two individuals based on the results of the Five Behaviors profile.

The Five Behaviors pyramid has five different levels: Trust, Conflict, Commitment, Accountability, and Results. Find out which level you and your coworker need to improve on to reach the top of the pyramid!

Jan 8, 2015

Upcoming DiSC Certifications

Do you want to become an expert in DiSC? By certifying in DiSC you will be able to hold DiSC workshops for your employees and clients. Presenting the information you learn at certification will meet the participants objectives in the workplace.

Join one of the upcoming Everything DiSC Certification sessions! On February 10-11 there will be a seminar in both San Diego and Minneapolis. On top of training you will receive a facilitation kit of your choice, an EPIC account to administer assessments, and a profile of your liking.

If you have any questions, please contact us at info@resourcesunlimited.com or +1.515.278.1292.

Watch for more sessions coming to your area!